This Type of Eco-Friendly Technology That Will Change The World.
Hi there this is Ritesh today's articl on Types of eco-friendly
technology that will change the world. LED light bulbs what's so exciting and
world-changing about a lightbulb over the last few years many countries have
been on a big kick to get rid of incandescent light bulbs in favor of much more
efficient alternatives currently LED bulbs are the next big thing these little
guys may not look like much but they last up to 20 years and cost four times
less to operate than regular light bulbs you save money and don't have to worry
about changing burnt-out bulbs while 20 million cubic metric tons of carbon
emissions are kept out of the environment who says big things don't come in
little packages Sol Pro Helios smart imagine if you could quickly charge your
smartphone with the Sun the Helios smart is a solar panel which folds up to the
size of a pocket and can charge your device and around 90 minutes no more
carrying around bulking solar panels no more waiting hours until your phone is
charged while they're keeping up with emails or watching our YouTube videos the
Helios smart ensures you're always in touch even if you're nowhere near wall
outlet solar shingles unless you've been living under a rock for the past few
years solar panels are popping up in more and more places more farmers fields
to the roofs of local stores and factories everybody is trying to get in on the
action not a fan of massive bulky panels sitting on your roof not a problem
solar shingles made by Dow Chemical are the size of regular shingles and can be
installed by almost anyone you save money get all the power from the Sun we can
get and don't end up making your house that like a landing pad for UFOs Tesla
Model S there was a time when the term eco-friendly car just didn't go together
early hybrid and electric cars looked different and are limited in features and
capability when compared to their gas guzzling cousins the Tesla Model S is a
game changer in the automotive market fully electric with up to nearly 700
horsepower and available in rear-wheel or all-wheel drive the Model S proves
that electric cars can have all the features capabilities and luxuries found
with regular cars just with no need to buy expensive and polluting gasoline
automatic labs incorporated have you ever wondered if your car is running at
its best would you like to know how to drive better and save the team at tech
company automatic labs incorporated have produced a handy little device to make
you a better driver and your car more fuel efficient the automatic labs device
plugs into your car's data port and monitors the car and your driving style
best yet it sings everything to your smartphone so you can see how to improve
your car's efficiency and your driving habits ecoATM we've all been there our
smartphone is old and outdated and it's time for a new one but what do we do
with the old device trying to sell it can be a hassle and we just don't have
time for it too often we just throw the old phones out losing out on potential
money while damaging the environment on the ecoATM is a convenient solution to
this problem the ecoATM looks like any regular ATM or coin sorting terminal it
helps keep electronic devices and our toxic metals out of the landfill while
putting some money back in your pocket money you can use to buy that latest
phone that you've had your eye on to Rhodian 1mw if the Tesla Model S is a
game-changer for electric cars and the two Rodian one MW is the knockout blow
after taking in the curvy and exotic exterior lines of the 1mw you'll be amazed
at what makes this car stand out the finished creation makes a major statement
to the potential of the electric car with an incredible output of 1341
horsepower thanks to four electric motors the two Rodian surpasses anything the
conventionally powered supercar market can throw at it sure you won't find any
luxury features inside but who buys a supercar for comfort anyways tzo a if
you're tormented by allergies or chained to an asthma inhaler this latest
eco-friendly technology might just be for you created by tzo a wearables this
little device is an enviro tracker that monitors and tracks everything from UV
exposure in temperature to humidity and air quality the information from tzo a
user's is then synced to your smartphone to create a real-time map of the
environmental conditions no more inaccurate information from the weather
network wherever a tzo a where is you'll know the precise conditions and
whether or not you need that extra dose of claritin before heading outside
crowd energy wind turbines have been popping up in more and more places as
people look to renewable energy there's just one problem wind turbines are ugly
disrupt the wildlife and nobody wants one in their backyard crowd energy
solution is to take the turbine and put it beneath the water where it's out of
sight harnessing the nonstop ocean currents one slow moving an eco-friendly
ocean turbine can potentially make the same power as over 30 wind turbines
providing green power while replacing those ugly wind turbines certainly sounds
like a technology that will change everyone's world verda crops vertical
farming what do you do when you don't have the land to grow food you turn to
hydroponics but what happens if you don't have the room for a hydroponic
greenhouse the answer now is vertical farming vertic ROPS eco-friendly farming
method produces 20 times the crop yields of soil farming and uses just a
fraction of the space to do it in fact this method only uses 8 percent of the
water of traditional farming needs and is really eco-friendly from top to bottom.
That’s all for today’s blog take bye……
This Type of Eco-Friendly Technology That Will Change The World.
Reviewed by Ritesh kumar
September 20, 2019

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