Chip 'fingerprint' technology for secure transactions.
Chip 'fingerprint' technology for secure transactions While
password and other such form of encryption are software
based, there is also a need for security at the hardware level.
Every device, such as a chip, needs to be encrypted with a
fingerprint-like identity. This is known as a physical unclonable
function. Developing a technology to implement this is a highly
competitive field and IIT bomboy has develop this technology
for this purpose.
Securing Hardware
Secure transaction are ubiquitous today and demand security
at various levels. for instance, a credit card has a chip has a chip attached to it and the card. to prevent the card from being cloned,
the chip has to have an electronic fingerprint has several layers,
thus making cloning hard. such an identity is what the researchers have developed.
Types of Hardware used
"Various technology start-ups around the world are addressing
this challenges, for example, sense and memory have been
acquired by larger companies in the last couple of years. This
is an indigenous capability in a cutting- edge technology with
strong international interest"
After developing the concept, the team demonstrated the
technology on a 180 nm CMOS chip in the fabrication facility
to show the feasibility of manufacturing. This technology is
currently being developed for defense research and development
organization (DRDO).
"Defense qualification is the first goal. meeting stringent defense specifications will instill great confidence in our technology. next,
we will push for commercial application such as e-commerce,
credit card to few says"
Chip 'fingerprint' technology for secure transaction
Reviewed by Ritesh kumar
September 19, 2019

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